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Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States

My friends are doing it, so why not conform? I will not promise the sort of blog dedication I seem to be seeing from them, however, so don't expect much. Just a way for me to "fit in." No, strike that - a way for me to organize some thoughts. (There, that sounds better...)

Oh, by the way...I just wanted to state that the opinions expressed in these posts are my own. Not my family's, not my friend's, not my workplace's, and certainly not yours. (Well, I should clarify that by saying any similarity to the opinions of the people or groups detailed above is purely coincidental.) Do ya' get it? Don't come down on anyone else for the things I say! (Sheesh!)


Reality Bites

Ugh. I have been so sick of reality television for so long. I just don't get the fascination. Every time I see some new reality show, I am shocked by how the creators, (and subsequently, the viewing public), will sink to new lows. Now I am even more convinced that reality television is contributing to the decline of our civilization...

People suck, in many ways...right? Many are selfish, inconsiderate, slovenly, rude, blah, blah, blah...I could go on. So what does reality television do with that attitude? It puts it in the spotlight. It glamorizes it. I think it could even be said that it makes (some) aspire to be like that. A week or two ago, my wife (*sigh*) was watching one of these crappy shows on E!, I think? Something about "celebrities" competing to shed pounds? Well, the part I saw had "Screech" from "Saved by the Bell" being the biggest jerk he could be, and cursing to the judges and his fellow competitors. And some of them were giving it right back to him. It was "*bleep* this," and "*bleep* you," and "I'm going to give you a big *bleep* so you can go *bleep* yourself with it," and then "Oh my *bleep*-ing *bleep*! I can't *bleep*-ing believe you, you piece of *bleep*! Don't you ever *bleep*-ing *bleep*-ity *bleep* *bleep* to me again, you *bleeeeep*."


Anyway, then the next morning? More of the same, as I awoke to a show called "Shear Genius" on Bravo, (I'd fallen asleep watching, believe it or not, a non-reality movie on Bravo the night before). Anyway, on this particular installment of tripe, some talentless hack was reacting to being put in her place by a judge, stating something like "I don't give a *bleep* what she thinks!"

Jesus, Joseph and Mary, people! When is this country's misguided fascination with this steady onslaught of garbage going to end? Let's put on some TV with some thought behind it. Something where you don't have to see the dregs of society at their "dreggiest," with nary an wholesome word in the entirety of their empty heads, much less what's spewing forth from their big pie-holes!

Reality television? I say thee, *bleep* you and the horse you rode in on!


Blogger Kari said...

Like The Simpsons?

6/06/2007 7:30 AM  

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