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Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States

My friends are doing it, so why not conform? I will not promise the sort of blog dedication I seem to be seeing from them, however, so don't expect much. Just a way for me to "fit in." No, strike that - a way for me to organize some thoughts. (There, that sounds better...)

Oh, by the way...I just wanted to state that the opinions expressed in these posts are my own. Not my family's, not my friend's, not my workplace's, and certainly not yours. (Well, I should clarify that by saying any similarity to the opinions of the people or groups detailed above is purely coincidental.) Do ya' get it? Don't come down on anyone else for the things I say! (Sheesh!)



No, air hammer, not war hammer. It's what the plumber said was the cause of the problem this weekend. Apparently, when we started to make some progress thawing the ice yesterday, some of it dislodged, flew around the internals of the plumbing and knocked off the air guitar. (Oops, I mean "hammer.")

Thanks, sami for the reminder/recommendation. I called him, and he was going to come out tomorrow and take a look, but in the end we felt we needed resolution sooner rather than later. It's a bummer too, because I really like to go with people that I know in situations like this so I feel that I'm not being taken advantage of. I mean, there's no hard feelings after that Poker game, right, J? I mean, it was hcff that finally took you out of the game, not me. Anyway, hope you understand.

Admittedly, I do still wish we would've waited to go with someone we knew. I mean, this guy was OK. ("Did we put away all the 'valuables'?") It was kinda odd when he called me up on his way and asked if he could write out a receipt for $40 paid, and then I'd give him cash right away so he could run to the store to get some more supplies. ("Make sure they hear the dog bark.") He did say he had left his checkbook on the other side of town. ("Don't tell them about the broken garage door.") Thank goodness they charged by the job and not by the hour. ("You are going to be down there with him, right?") I wouldn't have wanted to pay for all the time he spent outside on the phone with other customers. ...or smoking. Then when he was inside he spent a good portion of the time waiting for his coughing fits to subside. (Hmmm...connected? Well, he did say something about pneumonia.) All in all, the guy seemed to do fine work, and he seemed like a nice enough guy. He just had an abundance of "character" is all I'm saying. And, as far as the repair work went, if it wasn't one thing, it was another. ("Honestly, I have no idea where all that hair in the bathtub drain came from." K, "TMI" much? Sorry...)

Alrightie, here's my foray into initiating blog quizzes. Hope you like. It started with following a link on Gertie's page, but I didn't know if I wanted to find that kind of thing out, so I found one of my own. Here 'tis:

Slow and Steady

Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.

They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.

It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.

They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.

I stand accused...


Blogger Kari said...

hey, as long as your stuff is fixed. when it breaks again, which it probably will eventually, you know who to call.

oh, and sorry for my husbands near blunder yesterday. he's new at this stuff.

2/20/2006 11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I took the test as well and got the same answer (I don't think we're THAT much alike). I even went back and answered it in a fairly different way and got the same answer.

Plus I really don't see you in a white collared shirt with perky breasts and a smart bob haircut.

2/20/2006 11:05 PM  
Blogger KingUnbeliever said...

I got the same thing as well. I also try not to look at him when he wears that white collered shirt and shows off his breasts like that. Have some dignity man!

2/24/2006 10:08 AM  

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