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Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States

My friends are doing it, so why not conform? I will not promise the sort of blog dedication I seem to be seeing from them, however, so don't expect much. Just a way for me to "fit in." No, strike that - a way for me to organize some thoughts. (There, that sounds better...)

Oh, by the way...I just wanted to state that the opinions expressed in these posts are my own. Not my family's, not my friend's, not my workplace's, and certainly not yours. (Well, I should clarify that by saying any similarity to the opinions of the people or groups detailed above is purely coincidental.) Do ya' get it? Don't come down on anyone else for the things I say! (Sheesh!)


...And Their Definition of "Adult" Is...?

Just a quick observation... Some of my compadres and I have already discussed the ludicrousness of bringing "Pee-Wee's Playhouse" to Cartoon Network, (CN), though we did have to admit that occasionally, they play a cartoon during the show. However, it wasn't until I stood in front of my TV at 11:00 o'clock this evening with CN on, that I was struck by something. I knew that Pee-Wee, (PW), was up next. But then I saw the big disclaimer that CN always plays before it's Adult Swim, (AS), shows. You know, standard boilerplate stuff: warning, adults only, may contain mature themes, not for the faint of heart, yada, yabba, dabba. But then I thought, "hey, that's right. PW is on during CN's AS programming. WTF?!?"

I don't know why I'd never put 2 and 2 together b4, but I did tonight.

Is someone at AS making a statement about PW?


Blogger Kari said...

It is a bit odd that a children's show is now considered for adults only. I mean, I know what the man did...but seriously? Unless PW's Playhouse changed since I last saw it! I'd still let my kids watch it. It's annoying, but better than Barney!!!

9/15/2006 12:33 AM  
Blogger KingUnbeliever said...

Well once you ignore the cartoon part of Cartoon Network, you pretty much have a precident to ignore the Adult part of Adult Swim.

9/15/2006 3:02 PM  

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