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Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States

My friends are doing it, so why not conform? I will not promise the sort of blog dedication I seem to be seeing from them, however, so don't expect much. Just a way for me to "fit in." No, strike that - a way for me to organize some thoughts. (There, that sounds better...)

Oh, by the way...I just wanted to state that the opinions expressed in these posts are my own. Not my family's, not my friend's, not my workplace's, and certainly not yours. (Well, I should clarify that by saying any similarity to the opinions of the people or groups detailed above is purely coincidental.) Do ya' get it? Don't come down on anyone else for the things I say! (Sheesh!)


a shift in thinking

OK. A pet peeve of mine. Omitting capitalization when called for, say at the beginning of a sentence, or the first letter of someone's name, or the pronoun "I" doesn't make you cool in my book. It just makes you lazy. So stop it. Is what you're saying really that important that you don't have the time to hit that "shift" key with your little pinky finger? No...I didn't think so.

I partially blame the software companies and their "auto correct" functionality. Thanks for allowing us to be sloppy! But that's only a small piece of it. You have to accept the bulk of the blame yourself.

Now why am I seeing commercial products that are doing that crap on their labels? WTF?!? What slacker crowd are you trying to appeal to?!?

You know, another thing I never really cared for is the whole "Word. Word. Word." trend I was seeing in advertisement, etc. It's what motivated me to title my blog that way. I think I see another statement coming. Yeah, definitely gotta do it...

thanks. for. listening.


Blogger Kari said...

i rarely capitalize my "i"s. sorry. and sometimes i do the "dave.was.working" thing. i just can't help it. but i do put punctuation in my sentences, and i usually go back to correct my spelling. THAT i am anal about! :o)

2/26/2006 2:20 AM  

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