OK, What The #@^(*$&^ Is Going On?!?!?

As I popped onto Blogger to add the previous post tonight, I was confronted with the following in Internet Explorer when visiting my Blogger "Dashboard":
And this, after hearing about an interesting event that occurred to wut.truth?, a friend of hcff's.
No, I hadn't made any changes to my profile configuration that would have resulted in this. It just happened. Is someone trying to tell us something here? Are we being assimilated? I wasn't getting it... But then I went to look at my profile to see if there was a way to change it back, and that's when I realized what the problem must have been.

I guess this must be the default now when you make that selection.
Oh well, live and learn. (Oops, I mean "vivir y aprender.")
(p.s. the good news is I did manage to change it back to the old default.)
They're just trying to tell you to learn the language of the country - Espanol!
Use Firefox. :)
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