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Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States

My friends are doing it, so why not conform? I will not promise the sort of blog dedication I seem to be seeing from them, however, so don't expect much. Just a way for me to "fit in." No, strike that - a way for me to organize some thoughts. (There, that sounds better...)

Oh, by the way...I just wanted to state that the opinions expressed in these posts are my own. Not my family's, not my friend's, not my workplace's, and certainly not yours. (Well, I should clarify that by saying any similarity to the opinions of the people or groups detailed above is purely coincidental.) Do ya' get it? Don't come down on anyone else for the things I say! (Sheesh!)


Sucks to Be Us

The whole "fam damily" is sick right now. It started with my son getting sick Wednesday/Thursday night/day after having a birthday sleep-over with his friends the previous night. Buko-puko! (Hey, I like the sound of that...) My youngest daughter has had a nasty cough that made it sound like she was going to puke, (but hasn't yet). I had a nasty sore throat and some aching joints, (hmmm...technically, I think I started to feel a throat tickle on did it start with me?) My wife seemed to have dodged the bullet, but then she was puking Friday/Saturday night/morning. She's been recouping all weekend. And my oldest daughter was feeling bad, but not as bad as the others until a friend's birthday sleep-over at a hotel with a pool Saturday night. The Mom brought her home at Noon today telling me that she was puking!


So far, it's only been my youngest and myself that have yet to puke. I think I'm on the road to recovery, so I hope that I'm not going to catch whatever they've got. (Knock on wood...) That could break my record. I haven't puked since my first born was born 15+ years ago, and my Dad and his friends took me out for martini night, a custom for new dads amongst his group. (I feel like Seinfeld...with the anti-puke record, not martinis...)

And I should mention: all this has been going on during my school-age kids' Spring Break.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so I blame you - you must have given it to me last Wednesday.

3/20/2006 5:56 PM  

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